Labels:bulletin board | crt screen | monitor | reckoner | sky OCR: Inter-Poll Network Administrator's Utility bnpoid Details Test Packets Device Lists Reports Echo Tests link integrity Search criteria B SUOZ net Supported printers -Apple between the Inter +Poll work number device name LaserWriter and ImageWriter station pue AUE active named device type or unnamed device Supported file formats -Tab device Search duration -In minutes delimited tex Prinier status Returms printer and seconds or continuous status information Search interat In seconds System information- Queries Macintosh computers running AppleTalk Responder software included for rthe sys tem software version num bers System Requirements To run the Inter*Poll A Macintosh II Macintosh You can install the AppleTalk Administrator's Utility, you or Macintosh Plus Responder Uo. Macintosh II mus hav ...